Regulation Station

We all need space sometimes to balance our emotions, and it’s important to us at NYPBS to facilitate this as best we can, particularly for anyone who finds experiences like rehearsals over-stimulating.  Our Regulation Station is a designated space for anyone to use when they need it to acknowledge and explore how they are feeling in the moment, as well as finding comfort within their own space. 

 It is not a negative space, and we don’t send participants there if they are in trouble. In fact, we don’t send them there at all; if participants would like to go to the regulation station, it is their choice, but they must ask a member of staff.  

Where is the Regulation Station?

In McPhater St, the regulation station will be situated in the Ivory Room. This is on the top floor of the National Piping Centre, looking over the auditorium, meaning those in the regulation station still have the opportunity to view what is happening throughout the rehearsal whilst being in their own space.


In Otago St, the regulation station will be situated in the furthest practice room. Close enough to where the main rehearsal will be taking place so they can still listen to the music to identify what is being covered, with a window on the door to view what is going on whilst being in their own space.



What is in the Regulation Station?

The regulation station through the NYPBS includes the following items:

  • 2x headphone ear defenders

  • Mindful breathing poster

  • Calm colouring book

  • Colouring pencils

  • Fidget toys

  • A5 journal (for a brain dump/drawing/scribbling/ranting/expressing any feelings that might not want to be spoken – the pages can easily be torn out if necessary)


If there’s anything you feel would be particularly helpful to include in the Regulation Station, please let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate this.